Books & Collections
Carroll, M. 2024. 'Distaff/Rock' Oystercatcher. 101 Poems. Ed. Steve Meyrick. 5 Islands Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. as Girl+dog. 2022. Girl+dog investigate: The Wound. A true field report. Dark Cave Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. 2020. 'Dress of my Drowning' Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry, Atherton, C. & P. Hetherington (Eds.) Melbourne University Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. 2020. 'Former Creeks and Miniature Railways' Anthology of Australian Writers, Cicerone Journal, Canberra [poetry]
Carroll, M and Webb. J. 2019. Everyday Words. Ten Australian Poets. Sydney: Puncher and Wattman [non-fiction]
Carroll, M. et al. 2018. Abstractions. Canberra: Recent Work Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. 2018. Creativity in Context: How to Make a Poet (Pragmatics of Art) Canberra: Recent Work Press [non-fiction]
Carroll, M. and Munden, P. (Eds) 2017. Tract, Prose Poems. Canberra: Recent Work Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. and Munden P. (Eds) 2017. Irises, Poetry Anthology. Canberra: IPSI [poetry]
Carroll, M. 2017. Isolator. Canberra: Recent Work Press [fiction]
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. (Eds) 2017. Making it new: finding contemporary meanings for creativity, Special Issue TEXT 40 April [non-fiction]
Carroll, M., Strange, S. and Webb, J. (Eds) 2017. Prose Poetry. Special Issue TEXT 46 October [non-fiction]
Carroll, M. et al. 2016. Seam, Prose Poems. Canberra: IPSI [poetry]
Carroll, M. and Strange, S. (Eds) 2016. Pulse, Prose Poems. Canberra: Recent Work Press [poetry]
Carroll, M. and Fanaiyan, N. (Eds) 2016. Tremble, Poetry Anthology. Canberra: IPSI [poetry]
Carroll, M. and Florance, C. 2015. Swipe. Canberra: Ampersand Duck [fiction]
Short Works
Carroll, M. 2021. 'Malthus', in Not Very Quiet: anthology 2017-2021 Canberra: Recent Work Press
Carroll, M. 2020. 'The Dress of my Drowning', in Anthology of Prose Poetry Melbourne: Melbourne University Press
Carroll, M. 2019. ‘Spine’, Otoliths February Issue
Carroll, M. 2019. ‘Deep throat’, Foam:e Issue 16
Carroll, M. 2019. 'All models slashed', Not Very Quiet Canberra
Carroll, M. 2019. 'Women that never were No. 5812' Social Alternatives V.38 Issue 3 p.20
Carroll, M. 2018. 'Malthus', Not Very Quiet Canberra
Carroll, M. 2018. 'Three poems', Pressure Gauge Journal Issue 9
Carroll, M. 2018. ‘Three poems’, Literary Yard December Issue
Carroll, M. 2018. 'Three poems', Western Humanities Review Spring 72.1
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Bow & Stern’, Westerly April
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Untitled prose poem’ TEXT 46, October
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Picnic day’ p37; ‘Hangman’ p70, in Tract, Canberra: Recent Work Press
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Utensil’, Uneven Floor, September
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Purkinje effect’; ‘Untitled’; ‘Nopal cactus’, Mnemosyne
Carroll, M. 2016. ‘Words’ p39; ‘Navigation’ p49; ‘Art’ p70; ‘Ophelia’ p91, Seam. Canberra: IPSI
Carroll, M. 2016. ‘untitled’, Poetry and Place Capes, A and B Linford (Eds) Melbourne: Close-Up
Carroll, M. 2015. ‘Conflagration’ Flood, Fire, Famine Canberra: ANU School of Music
Carroll, M. 2015 ‘Sacred Observations’ p71; ‘LHC’ p70; ‘Amastia’ p70, Social Alternatives 34, 3
Carroll, M. 2014. ‘Sartorial Advice’; ‘Advice for the Lost’; ‘Returning to Bed’; and, ‘Not a Red Wheelbarrow’ Poetry d’Amour Perth: WA Poets
Carroll, M. 2013. ‘Triptych’, Meniscus Canberra: University of Canberra
Carroll, M. 2009. ‘Delouer’; ‘Ants are marching...’; ‘Restored’; ‘Crossing out the laws’, Idiom v23 Rockhampton: Central Queensland University
Carroll, M. 2008. ‘Autumn in Canberra’ Poetry in ACTION [public transport installation] Canberra: ACT Government
Carroll, M. 2006. ‘Ecervian in the Capital’, Cordite v25
Carroll, M. 2024. 'Buy Sell Swap' Chroma South Coast Writers Centre, NSW
Carroll, M. 2019. ‘Leftovers’, AntipodeanSF Issue 247 February
Carroll, M. 2014. ‘individual tax return instructions’, The Grapple Annual, Canberra: Grapple Publishing
Carroll, M. 2010. ‘Happily until their deaths’, Antipodean SF Magazine
Carroll, M. 2010. ‘Colour letter ninety degree’, DecomP Magazine August
Carroll, M. 2010. ‘159 is enough’, B2B Magazine July
Carroll, M. 2010. ‘A giving is a taking’, FourW v21 Wagga: Charles Sturt University
Carroll, M. 2009. ‘Archives, love, space, shame’, Baggage Sydney: Eneit Press
Carroll, M. 2008. ‘Caulking ships in lieu of oakham’, Block v6 Canberra: Australian National University
Carroll, M. 2008. ‘Mad cows and Magic beans’, Block v7 Canberra: Australian National University
Carroll, M. 2007. ‘When eyebrows should know better’, Block v4 Canberra: Australian National University
Carroll, M. 2007. ‘Joins Map 59’, Block v5 Canberra: Australian National University
Carroll, M. 2006 ‘Sacrifice for a nation’, Outcast. Canberra: CSFG Press
Carroll, M. 2006. ‘Funeral’ and ‘Thinking of you who…’, Poetrix. Perth: Western Women Writers
Carroll, M. 2006. ‘Lesson in Borrowing’ Block v3 Canberra: Australian National University
Carroll, M. 2006. ‘I do, a story of passion’ Antipodean SF Magazine
Carroll, M. 2005. ‘Teaspoon’, The Annual. Brisbane: Logan Writers Centre
Carroll, M. 2004. ‘The Teller’, Encounters. Canberra: CSFG Press
Carroll, M. 2003. World Series, Antipodean SF Magazine
Carroll, M. 2003. ‘Special Foldings’, HQ Magazine. Sydney: ACP
Carroll, M. 2003. ‘Just Before Winter’, Letting Go. Canberra: Ginninderra Press
Carroll, M. 2003. ‘Truth’, Spiny Babbler. Melbourne: Deakin University
Text/image/visual Works
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2017. ‘Elegant feet and gentle noses: anatomical drawing and personhood’, Corpus
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Report on the markings of a body’TEXT v40 April
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘To Tear, Book XIV’, Metamorphic, Canberra: Recent Work Press
Carroll, M. 2016. ‘5’, 5,6,7,8. Canberra: Recent Work Press [Promotional film by Strange, S. 10mb]
Carroll, M. 2010. ‘Funeral’, The Green Fuse Blue Mountains: Varuna
Stage and Audio Works
Produced Stage Plays
2023 Enjoy The Show, Dir. Lexi Sekuless. Lexi Sekuless Productions. Mill Theatre, Canberra, Nov.
2023 More Light, More Light, New Work Ideas Lab Residency, Courtyard Studio, Canberra Theatre Centre, Canberra, May
2023 The Last Ten Minutes, Studio Series, Canberra Repertory Society, Acton, Canberra, May
2022 Sweet Spot Dir. Sophie Bayliss. Luke Beraman Productions. Blackbox Theatre, Illawarra NSW Sept.
2014 Wild play: notes from a bagpipe and poem with A.B. Dickerson Productions Canberra: Belconnen Arts Centre, Aug.
2009 The Teller Shadowmuse Productions Cleveland Street Theatre, Redfern NSW, Feb.
2009 I Die, tableaux vivant Min Mae Productions Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Mar.
Recorded Works
2023 Don’t Talk, (Radio drama) in production, Prod. Bart Meehan. ArtSound Theatre Productions, ArtSound FM, Canberra
2013 Petrie Plaza You are Here Festival, Merloc Studios, Canberra
2012 Touching men far out at sea Paper Scissors Pen, Smith’s Alternative, Canberra
2008 Various Poetry in ACTION recordings ArtSound FM, Manuka, Canberra
Authored and Performed Works
2018 Creativity in Context, Canberra Museum and Art Gallery, Canberra
2018 Abstractions, Ralph Wilson Theatre, Canberra
2018 Not Very Quiet Smith's, Canberra
2018 Chairperson, Empathy and Creativity Symposium, University of Canberra
2018 Poetry and Touch Poetry on the Move Festival Ainslie Arts Centre, Canberra
2017 Tract, Queensland Poetry Festival, Brisbane QLD
2017 Isolator, Poetry on the Move Festival, Canberra
2017 To Tear, Book XIV from Metamorphic, Smith's, Canberra
2017 Knowledge and the Artists’ Book, [co-authored], Poetry and the Artists’ Book Symposium, University of Canberra
2017 Unfolding the episteme of artists’ books, ABBE, Griffith University, Brisbane
2016 First Encounters Great Writing, London, England
2016 Pain, Poets and Heidegger, Creative Culture Symposium, Winchester, England
2016 Midsummer Night’s Dream readings, AAWP Canberra
2016 What We Take from Teachers, [co-authored] AAWP Canberra
2015 Ghost… Fragments…, Fitzroy Town Hall, VIC
2015 The Minority and the Multiverse, [co-authored] Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, Melbourne VIC
2015 Poet and Community: Findings from an ARC Discovery Project, [co-authored] AAWP Swinburne University, VIC
2015 The Unrevolution of Data Visualisation in Poetry, IPSI Symposium, University of Canberra, May.
2014 Is a Poem the Words? AAWP, Wellington, New Zealand
2014 Untitled, Grapple Publishing, Smith’s Alternative, Canberra
2014 Untitled, Monthly Reading Manning Clark House, Canberra
2013 No word measures sea, AAWP, Canberra
2010 Naked writing; truth in poetry and prose Fellowship of Australian Writers National Library of Australia, Canberra
2010 Science Week, Poets Union, Belconnen Arts Centre, Canberra
Essays, Reviews, Critical Works
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. 2023. 'A seethe of poets: creativity and community' in Chinese Creative Writing Studies Translated by Weidong Liu
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2023. 'The Knowing of Artists’ Books' in JAB Anthology Drucker, Johanna and Brad Freeman (Eds.) University of Iowa Press
Carroll, M. 2022. In Webb, J. 'Collaboration, conversation, and Adaptation: The Prose Poetry Project and renga attitude' in Prose Poetry in Theory and Practice by Paul Hardwick and Anne Caldwell (Eds.) London: Routledge
Carroll, M. 2019. ‘Prologue’ in Everyday Words: Ten Australian Poets. Sydney: Puncher and Wattman
Carroll, M. 2018. 'PhD extract: untitled artist's extract', The Blue Notebook 13,1:25-28
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2018. 'The Knowing of Artists’ Books' JAB43 (Journal of Artists' Books)
Carroll, M. 2018. 'Given in the Flesh: A phenomenology of handedness through Erika Mordek’s bookwork' Axon 8, 1
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. 2017. ‘Introduction to Making it new: Finding contemporary meaning for creativity’, TEXT 40 April
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. 2017. ‘A seethe of poets: creativity and community’, TEXT 40 April
Carroll, M. and Webb, J. 2017. ‘Play and the ‘native ethnographer’’, Axon 12
Carroll, M. and Munden, P. 2017. ‘Introduction’ in Tract, Canberra: Recent Work Press
Carroll, M., Strange, S. and Webb, J. 2017. ‘Tracing the prose poem: an introduction’, TEXT 46 October
Carroll, M, and Webb, J. 2017. ‘Defiant formlessness: prose poem as process’, TEXT 46 October
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Politics, a poet, and an artist; review of a collaboration’, M16 Artspace
Carroll, M. 2017. ‘Feeling-into Amplified Gesture: reading the work of Andrea McCuaig through Einfühlung’, M16 Artspace
Carroll, M. 2016. ‘A Visual Tone Poem Exploring the Conservatism of Contemporary Data Visualisation in Poetry’, Axon Capsule 1
Carroll, M. 2016. ‘A beautiful debut; review of Shari Kocher’s The Non-Sequitur of Snow’, TEXT 20, 1
Carroll, M. 2015. ‘A poem is not the words: Experience and Ontology’, in Pittaway, G et al (Eds) Minding the Gap Wellington: AAWP
Carroll, M. 2014. ‘Write this down’, in Strange, S. et al (Eds) Creative Manoeuvres, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars pp 83-94
Carroll, M. 2013. AAWP Conference, two performances and one poetry panel, published in conference proceedings
Awards, Grants, Fellowships, Boards
2024 Robert N. Stephenson Award AWHA
2024 Muriel Craft Bailey Poetry Award (Shortlisted)
2024 Welsh Poetry Competition (Highly Commended)
2023 Creative Fellowship, National Library of Australia (Shortlisted)
2023 Rehearsal Observation Residency, The Street Theatre, Canberra
2023 Playwright Residency, Canberra Theatre Centre, New Work Ideas Lab, May
2020-21 Secretary. Canberra Craft Bookbinding Guild
2021 Short + Sweet Theatre, Sydney, Australia (Shortlisted)
2022 Short + Sweet Theatre, Perth, Australia (Shortlisted)
2018 Board Member. ACT Writers' Centre
2018 Nillumbik Ekphrasis Poetry Award, Victoria (Shortlisted)
2018 Winner. Gammacon short story award
2017 Fellowship. Donald Horne Cultural Creative Fellow, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research
2017 Writer-in-Residence. M16 Art Gallery, Griffith, ACT
2016-2018 Administrative Director. International Poetry Prize, University of Canberra
2013 Winner. Marjorie Graber Short Story Award, ACT Writers’ Centre
2012 Michael Thwaites Poetry Award (Shortlisted)
2010 storySouth Million Writers Award (Shortlisted)
2009 Marjorie Graber Short Story Award, ACT Writers’ Centre (Shortlisted)
2009 Aurealis Award for short fiction in an anthology (Nominated)
2008 Shortlisted. EJ Brady Short Story Award, Mallacoota Arts Centre
2007 Winner. Dorothy Porter Crime in Verse Award, Sisters in Crime
2007 David Campbell Prize, ACT Poetry Prize (Shortlisted)
2006 Winner. Katherine Sussanah Pritchard Short Story Award, KSP Centre
2004 Alan Marshall Short Story Award (Highly Commended)
2004 Best New Talent, Ditmar Awards (Nominated)
2003 Winner. HQ Magazine short story award, ACP
Carroll, M. 2024. Six Word Blessings, Small Blessings, curated by Lynn Petersen, Tuggeranong Arts Centre, October 2023 - January 2024
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2018. Triage [binding and loose leaf book] Guild 18, Civic Library, September
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2016. Still life [installation] Encyclopaedia of Forgotten Things, Belconnen Arts Centre, August
Carroll, M. and Dickerson, A. 2015. Choreopraxia: ontogenesis of entopoetics [installation] Traces and Hauntings, Belconnen Arts Centre, August
Carroll, M. 2009. Untitled [installation] Feathering the Nest, Yarralumla ACT, April